Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Eagle and the Lioness

         Once upon a time, a beautiful Lioness and a handsome Eagle fell in love.  The Eagle lived high on a mountain, and each morning he would fly up into the glory of the rising sun and marvel at its beauty.  Then, he would chase the sun down into the valley where the Lioness lived and tell her of the wonders he had seen from the air.  In the evening he would follow the setting sun back up the mountain, and think how he could describe the colors to his Lioness the next day.
         Now, the Lioness wanted to fly with the Eagle more than anything in the world, and more than anything, the Eagle wanted to share the joy of flight with his Lioness.  But she had no wings to fly with, and he had no arms with which to carry her.
         One evening, the Eagle followed the setting sun over the top of his mountain and into the next valley, where a powerful Medicine Man lived.  There, he asked the Medicine Man to give his Lioness wings.
         “Making wings is beyond my power,” the Medicine Man said.  “All that I can do is cast a spell that will allow you to give her yours.  But know that once given they can never be returned, so consider carefully before you ask this of me.”
         The Eagle replied, “I’ve flown all my life.  It is all that I know and all that I love best.  But flying has grown empty since I cannot share it with my Lioness.  If she could fly, it would mean nothing that I could not for I would be able to see the entire world again, as if for the first time, through her eyes.  Cast your spell.”
         The next morning, the Lioness awoke and found that she had a beautiful pair of golden wings.  She leaped up and flew into the glory of the rising sun, marveling at its beauty.  Then, she chased the light up the mountain where the Eagle lived to tell him of the wonders she had seen from the air.  But the Eagle was nowhere to be found.
         She searched all day, and as evening fell, she followed the setting sun over the top of the mountain and into the next valley.  There she found the Eagle, and when she saw that he had no wings, she guessed what he had done and she began to weep.
         Don’t cry,” he said.  “For I have flown all my life.  It is all that I know and all that I love best.  But flying has grown empty since I could not share it with you.  Now that you can fly, it means nothing that I cannot for I will be able to see the entire world again, as if for the first time, through your eyes.  Fly, now, and then return and tell me what you have seen.”
         I will do more than that,” she replied, “For in giving me this gift you have taken nothing in return.  I have both wings and arms, and will carry you with me.”
         And with that, she held the Eagle close to her breast and lifted into the sky with him.  They flew as one into the glory of the setting sun and marveled, together, at its beauty.
            And they lived happily ever after.

Copyright © 2010 Anthony Caporale. All rights reserved.

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